Athletes! I Will Open Up Your Floodgates To Endless Victories

Reprogram The Boss With The Secret SOSS 

What Athletes Are Saying… 

Find Out How I Will Help You Play More, Score More, and Win More Using My PROVEN Secret SOSS System! Click Here Now 

“I did my Secret SOSS session on my athletic performance. I’ve been doing triathlons for 9 years. I always felt that I was not fast and strong enough to do well in the races. I felt good about our session. I experienced some awareness about my childhood. I noticed in the following week I felt better about myself overall. More positive.  

As I was training, I wasn’t thinking about not being fast or strong enough like before. My times were improving. I was so surprised!  Thanks, Dawn!”

Improvement Scale: 1 – 10 (10 being the highest) –  7

Tom – Triathlete 


“I was feeling really depressed with the whole COVID thing. I’ve tried mediation, breathing, being positive, visualization, etc.. It didn’t help much. I started feeling better after my first session with Dawn. I thought my depression was totally related to COVID. It actually wasn’t. The COVID situation triggered some old stuff from my past. The old experiences weren’t bad. However, they did cause some limiting beliefs that didn’t make sense. Dawn replaced the limiting beliefs with new meanings that helped me reach my goals. I just answered her questions and things got a lot better quickly.

I hope you get a chance to work with Dawn.” 

Improvement Scale: 1 – 10 (10 being the highest) –  7

Chloe – Volleyball

“I just had this feeling that I could do better than I was. I thought I was doing everything that I was supposed to do to get better. What I didn’t realize until I started working with Dawn is that I wasn’t completely committed to my support. I was completely unaware of any lack of commitment on my part. However, during our sessions together Dawn noticed that there was a commitment issue and she found out that it was connected to an experience I had when I was very young.  She worked on removing the old limiting connections and then created the new story that gave me the opportunity to fully commit to my sport. Everything became so much easier and I was able to perform at the level I always knew I could.

This process has been simple and a complete joy to work with Dawn. She really cares.  I can’t believe it, it really worked!” 

Improvement Scale: 1 – 10 (10 being the highest) –  7

Ella – Gymnast


“I was having a lot of trouble being consistent. During the program, Dawn was able to identify what was causing the inconsistency. She also uncovered several other mental blocks that when removed caused me to enjoy playing tennis more than ever.  Now that I’m consistent and having so much fun I’ve become a much more effective player.” 

 Improvement Scale: 1 – 10 (10 being the highest) –  8

 Jason- Tennis 

 Find Out How I Will Help You Play More, Score More, and Win More Using My PROVEN Secret SOSS System! Click Here Now